The Children’s Commissioner, promotes and protects the rights of children, especially the most vulnerable, and advocates for their views and interests.
The role was initially established under the Children Act 2004 which gave the Commissioner responsibility for promoting awareness of the views and interests of children. The Commissioner’s statutory remit includes understanding what children and young people think about things that affect them and encouraging decision makers to always take their best interests into account.
Help at Hand
We're here to help you.
Help at Hand is the Children’s Commissioner’s advice and assistance service for children in care, children who have a social worker or are working with social services, children living away from home and care leavers.
If you’re in care, leaving care, living away from home or working with social services, we can give you free, impartial help and advice. Speak to us confidentially about any questions you have or anything that’s troubling you – No issue is too big or too small.
How can we help?
Help at Hand is staffed by child rights experts. We give advice and assistance to children, care leavers and their advocates on any child rights issue.
We can also get directly involved by writing or speaking to the professionals involved in your life; for example, a social worker.
If serious matters aren’t resolved, we escalate to service managers or prepare a letter from the Children’s Commissioner to the people with the power to resolve your situation, for example the Director of Children’s Services at your local authority.
Information and advice
Use our site to find helpful information about your rights and the kind of support you should expect, in our most frequently asked questions. Before you contact us, you might find the answer to your question is already covered.
Who is this aimed at?
Children under 18 living away from home or working with social services, or a care leaver up to age 25.
Helpline open from Monday to Friday - 9am to 5pm
This is a helpline and email service.
This support is free and confidential.
How to get involved
Get in touch via phone or email, or via our contact form online.
Contact details
Phone: 0800 528 0731
For further information
For more information about Help at Hand search Help at Hand in this directory.
Visit the Help at Hand page on the Childrens Commissioner website
For more information about Children's Commissioner search Children's Commissioner in this directory.
Visit the Children's Commissioner website