The Health Visiting Service in Wirral delivers the Healthy Child Programme to all parents and families of pre-school children.
Our team includes health visitors, community health nurses and nursery nurses. They are specialists in child health and development and provide a range of information, support and advice to ensure families are fully supported to give their children the best possible start in life.
Working closely with parents we provide:
- Antenatal visits
- New birth visit – advice and support in caring for a new baby (10-14 days old)
- Contact at 4-8 weeks, 9-12 months and 2-2 ½ years – including physical and developmental reviews
- Support for specific issues such as postnatal depression
- One-to-one breastfeeding support
- Feeding, weaning and dental health advice
- Support and advice on family health and minor illnesses
- Emotional and mental wellbeing support
- Child safety advice
- Sleep or behaviour concerns
- Parenting support
- Information about other services and community groups (eg Children’s Centres, breastfeeding support groups)
- Referrals into specialist services eg Speech and Language Therapy, Bladder and Bowel Service
The Trust also delivers the Family Nurse Partnership which offers a programme of intensive and structured support to first time mums who are aged 18 and under.
Birkenhead - St Catherine’s Health Centre, Derby Road, Birkenhead CH42 0LQ
Wallasey - Victoria Central Health Centre, Mill Lane, Wallasey CH44 5UF
West Wirral - Greasby Clinic, Greasby Road, Greasby, CH49 3AT
South Wirral - Bridle Road Clinic, Treetops Primary Care Centre, Bridle Road, Bromborough, CH62 6EE
This is free to access
How to get involved
Midwifery and GP services share your details with us, with your consent, so that we can contact you to offer our service. Alternatively, you can contact your local health visiting team.
Contact details
Health Visiting (Wirral) Phone: 0151 514 0219
Wirral Community NHS Foundation Trust Phone: 0151 514 2888
For further information
For more information about Health Visiting (Wirral) search Health Visiting (Wirral) in this directory.