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Health services in schools (HSIS) – Wirral Council

Health services in schools (HSIS) - Wirral Council

HSIS Youth Workers support young people in Wirral Secondary Schools, Wirral Sixth Form College and Wirral Met College.

Each school/college has a designated HSIS Youth Worker who provides young people with an opportunity to access confidential support on any issues which may be affecting them.

We provide support to young people on a wide range of issues and topics such as building resilience, reducing risks, healthy relationships, sexual Health (including issuing condoms in some schools) drugs, alcohol, emotional health, Stress and Anxiety.


Who is this aimed at?

There is a confidential drop-in service for young people aged 13 to 19 years, delivered in partnership with a youth worker and the school nursing service in Wirral Secondary Schools.

Young people can receive information, guidance and support on all ‘core health’ related matters:


  • Drugs and alcohol

  • Relationships and sexual health

  • Emotional health and wellbeing

  • Improving confidence, self-esteem and resilience

  • Stopping smoking

  • Healthy eating and lifestyle   



This support is available Monday to Friday.



The team currently work in all Wirral Secondary Schools, The 6th Form College and Wirral Met College


Opening hours

This support is available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.



This support is free, there is no cost.


How to get involved

Accessing your HSIS for support is really simple. HSIS Youth Workers work in Wirral Secondary Schools and Colleges. Simply find the youth worker connected with your school or college on the Zillo Wirral website. You will be taken to an MS Form. Complete the form and your youth worker will be in touch as soon as possible.


Contact details



For further information 

For more information about the Wirral Council search Wirral Council in this directory


Visit the Wirral Council website

Visit the Zillo Wirral website

Visit the Health Services in Schools page on the Zillo Wirral website

Visit the Youth Matters page on the Wirral Council website



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