NHS Wirral Talking Therapies offers free and confidential talking therapies to anyone who is aged 16+ and registered with a GP in the Wirral. This service is commissioned by the NHS.
The Lighthouse Centre Drop-in
If you need support for anxiety and depression then pop into one of the NHS Wirral Talking Therapies drop-ins.
They can make a referral for you while you are there. The community engagement team will be able to answer any questions and share information about the service.
Please note: This is not a crisis drop-in. If you are in crisis call 0800 145 6485 or visit Campaneros Crisis Cafe, 2a Price Street, Birkenhead, CH41 6JN
Who is this aimed at?
Women Only - aged 16+ and registered with a GP in the Wirral.
Fridays- please check for dates
9:30pm to 12 noon
330-334 New Chester Road, Tranmere, Birkenhead, Wirral CH42 1LE
How to get involved
No need to book, just drop in
Contact details
NHS Wirral Talking Therapies
Phone: 0151 649 1859
Email: community.wirral@everyturn.org
Tomorrow's Women
Phone: 0151 647 7907
Email: admin@tomorrowswomen.org.uk
For further information
For more information about NHS Wirral Talking Therapies search NHS Wirral Talking Therapies in this directory.
Visit the NHS Wirral Talking Therapies on the Everyturn website
Visit the NHS Wirral Talking Therapies Facebook page