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Community Connect Us Drop-In – Involve Northwest

Involve Northwest, The Community Village, 330-334 New Chester Road, Rock Ferry, CH42 1LE

Community Connect Us Drop-In - Involve Northwest

Our Rock Ferry/Tranmere Connectors are hosting a drop-in every Wednesday between at Involve Northwest.


A chat with your local Community Connector about your challenges can help you set goals toward feeling better and improving your health and wellbeing. A Connector provides you with the information you need to get started, by signposting you to a range of activities, groups, organisations, charities and services; depending on your goals.


Your Community Connector can offer you some further help to link in if you require further assistance.


Who is this aimed at?

Anyone from the Rock Ferry/Tranmere area



Wednesday afternoons



2:30pm to 3:30pm



Involve Northwest, The Community Village, 330-334 New Chester Road, Rock Ferry, CH42 1LE





How to get involved

No booking is required, just turn up on the day.


Contact details

Phone: 0151 644 4500



For further information

For more information about Involve Northwest search Involve Northwest in this directory.


Visit the Involve Northwest website

Visit the Involve Northwest Facebook page


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