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Citizens Advice Wirral Drop-In at Seacombe Family Hub

Seacombe Family Hub, St Paul's Road, Seacombe, Wallasey, CH44 7AN

Citizens Advice Wirral Drop-In at Seacombe Family Hub

Citizens Advice Wirral is a local charity providing advice, information, advocacy and representation across Wirral. We have provided free, impartial and confidential advice, to Wirral residents since 1939, and were formerly known as Wirral Citizens Advice Bureau.

We give people the knowledge and confidence they need to find their way forward – whoever they are, and whatever their problem.



Citizens Advice Wirral (CAW) hold Walk up Advice sessions at Seacombe Family Hub. CAW Advisers are available to support you with benefits, housing, debt and much more.


This is only suitable for those with children under 5 years old. Clients must visit the centre local to where they live and be prepared to register at the centre.


Who is this aimed at?

This is available to parents and families who have a child aged under 5 years



Tuesdays (including Term Time)



1pm to 4pm



Seacombe Family Hub, St Paul’s Road, Seacombe, Wallasey, Wirral  CH44 7AN 


How to get involved

Please call for more information


Contact details

Phone: 0151 666 3350


For further information

For more information about Citizens Advice Wirral search Citizens Advice Wirral in this directory. 


Visit the Citizens Advice Wirral website


For more information about Family Hubs search Family Hubs in this directory.


Visit the Family Hubs landing page on the Family Toolbox website

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