The Right Side of Care is a council website for children looked after and care leavers. It is for people living in Wirral and further afield. It provides information for young people and tells them about their rights.
Children in Care Youth Voice Group
Do you feel like you have a voice in decisions made about you and your future?
Do you feel comfortable expressing your feelings and sharing your views?
Would you like to help make Children’s Services better?
Getting involved in the Children in Care Youth Voice Group is a great way to do this.
Who is this aimed at?
All children aged 10 to 16 years old
The second Monday of each month
Pilgrim Streets Arts Centre, 1 Pilgrim Street, Birkenhead CH41 5EH
How to get involved
If you are interested in joining any of the care councils please send an email.
We can only book limited numbers of young people at any time for any ‘meetings’ on the calendar you want to attend.
Contact details
Phone: 07920 594197
For further information
For more information about Right Side of Care search Right Side of Care in this directory.
Visit the Right Side of Care website
Visit the Right Side of Care – Participation and Engagement Team Instagram page