ChatHealth is a text messaging service for young people across Cheshire East and Wirral aged 11 to 19.
It’s safe and easy for you to speak to a qualified health professional. Just send a message, you don’t have to give your name. Discreet and quick: It only takes one message to start making a difference. You’ll get confidential advice from trained health staff in your area.
Professional help - friendly staff: Need to talk? Whatever’s on your mind, we can help. Even if you just need someone who understands or want advice for a friend. The teams we work with help lots of people like teenagers in schools, parents of young children and mums with new born babies.
How ChatHealth works
Texting a School Nurse - Whatever your question, send a text to our team:
Monday – Friday: 9am to 5pm
07480 635538 (Wirral)
Our School Nurse Team aims to reply to you within one working day and you should get an immediate bounce-back to confirm we’ve received your text.
Texts will not be seen outside of normal working hours which are Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.
If you are aged from 11 to 19 you can text a school nurse to get confidential health and wellbeing advice about:
Healthy lifestyles
Nutrition and diet
Healthy eating
Exam stress
Mental wellbeing
Anger management
Feelings and emotions
Body image
Sexual health
It is up to you if you want to give your name. You can even choose to text a School Nurse anonymously.
The School Nursing Team is here for you and will provide you confidential support and advice – there are lots of things they can help with.
If you need help before you hear back from us, please contact a member of school staff or your doctor.
Our text number does not receive voice calls or MMS picture messages.
You can prevent our School Nursing Team from sending messages to you by texting STOP to our number.
Please respect your schools mobile phone policy.
Messages are charged at your usual rate
Confidentiality - unless you give permission, we will not pass on anything you say to anyone else, like parents, teachers, or other students – except in extreme circumstances like if the health, safety or welfare of you or someone else is at significant risk.
For further information
For more information about ChatHealth search ChatHealth in this directory.
Visit the Chat Health NHS website