Who we are and what we do
The Wirral Carers Health and Wellbeing Service provides free support to adult Carers (including Parent Carers and Young Adult Carers in transition), the service focuses on identifying Carers and supporting them to access services to assist them in their caring roll and to help them to maintain and improve their health and wellbeing.
The overall aim of the Carers Health and Wellbeing Service is to improve the quality of life for Carers in Wirral, supporting them to sustain their caring role and enhancing their ability to enjoy a life outside of their caring role.
The Carers Team at WIRED are still up and running with all our services continuing with a few notable exceptions, we are endeavouring to make contact with all our carers individually.
Service covers
- Carers Registration
- Carers Helpline
- Carers Grant / Leisure Pass
- Carers 1:1 telephone support (video calling where applicable)
- Carers Enews Bulletin
- Carers Emergency Contact Service
- Information, Advice and Referral service
- Support from our 3rd Sector Community Connector Service (where applicable)
- Support from our Patient Advice & Liaison Service (where applicable)
- Support from our Early Help Family Support (where applicable)
- Support from our other departments within WIRED
Who is this aimed at?
Individuals that provide unpaid care for someone
Each support group is held at different times of the month.
Support groups are held in multiple locations across Wirral
This is free to access
How to get involved
Carers can contact our services directly by phoning, emailing or requesting to be referred to WIRED by a GP, a local organisation or any other professional.
Contact details
Call: 0151 670 0777
Email: cws@wired.me.uk
For further information
For more information about Wired search Wired in this directory.
Visit the Wired website