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BorrowBox – Wirral Libraries

BorrowBox - Wirral Libraries

Borrow Box is an online and app-based library service. Our vision has always been to create a digital experience for libraries and library members that rivals consumer brands. To create a user experience that is world-class designed to be simple and made to inspire. With BorrowBox, your library in one app, our vision is now a reality. Borrow eBooks and eAudiobooks free from your library using our BorrowBox app.



Wirral Libraries are excited to announce that we are the first library service in England to launch the new Borrowbox eMagazine platform. eMagazines can be accessed in the same way as eBooks and eAudio for all library members and are free to use. If you are not already a member of the library but are interested in reading eMagazines, it’s easy to join by either calling into your nearest library or subscribing online with Borrowbox.


Say hello to your future library, wherever you are, whenever you are free.


Who is this aimed at?

Open to all library users



Accessible at all times



This is accessible through the BorrowBox website or download the app via the App Store, Google Play and the Amazon Appstore



This is free to use


How to get involved

Visit the BorrowBox website or download the app via the App Store, Google Play and the Amazon Appstore. To use BorrowBox you will need to download the Adobe Digital Editions software onto your computer. If using a mobile device, visit iTunes App Store or Play Store, search BorrowBox Library and download the app onto your smartphone or tablet.


At the welcome screen, search for ‘Wirral Libraries’. Please note that a library card is required to access this.


Contact details



For further information

For more information about Wirral Libraries search Wirral Libraries in this directory.


Visit the Wirral Libraries webpage

Visit the Wirral Libraries Facebook page

Visit the BorrowBox website


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