Brighter Days Ahead is a mental health and well-being service. We specialise in delivering Drawing and Talking and sand play as 1:1 support as well as Drawing and Talking group work.
We are passionate about supporting children, young people and adults who may have faced, or are facing challenging and traumatic times.
Brighter Days Ahead CIC Befriending Service
A community Befriending service available to parents and carers who are currently working alongside social care. We provide 1:1 support to any individual who would benefit from a non-judgemental, safe space to share worries, concerns and goals over a cup of tea and a friendly chat.
We will be a listening ear and will work alongside individuals to support positive changes and outcomes.
Befriending services can take place in the home, out in the community or even a walk and talk, wherever feels safe and appropriate for the individual.
We will advocate for parents/carers, provide a link between them and social care professionals and will adapt our support to meet need as identified by the parent/carer.
We will deliver group/peer support in community settings. Peers will support each other whilst sharing good practice, tips and advice over refreshments whilst engaging in friendly chat and craft activities.
We aim to empower parents/carers by demonstrating the benefits of healthy relationships.
Families working alongside social care are welcome to access this befriending support to share any difficulties, to think about their desired outcomes, to plan for a positive future and to reduce feelings of isolation.
Who is this aimed at?
Parents/carers working with social care.
We have a particular focus on domestic abuse survivors, although this support is not exclusive and is open to all
Days/times will be agreed with the individual
We aim to make this support as accessible as possible so will work around the needs of the individual
Hours are adaptable to meet need
Befriending services can take place in the home or out in the community covering the Wirral area
To ensure that our offer is accessible, group work will take place at various community venues depending on need/numbers within different areas
All support is fully funded by Family Toolbox Pathfinder grant
How to get involved
We accept referrals and expression of interest via email as the initial point of contact.
We will schedule an informal telephone chat to discuss the referral in more detail and to gather necessary information.
Contact details
For further information
For more information about Brighter Days Ahead search Brighter Days Ahead in this directory.
Visit the Brighter Days Ahead website
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