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Be Free Campaign

Be Free Campaign

Be Free Campaign is a mental health charity founded by young people, focussing on early intervention and preventative education for young people aged 6 to 25 in Liverpool and surrounding areas. They recently launched the Riot Response Hub to support individuals aged 13 and above for emerging racial trauma.


Workshops address mental health stigma, provide accessible education, and encourage young people to develop coping strategies and support networks. They also discuss ways to support friends, family, and peers, explore social media's impact on mental health, body image, and symptoms of depression and anxiety, and encourage seeking help.


Who is this aimed at?

All young people aged 6 to 25








How to get involved

Please email for more details on workshops and coping strategies


Contact details 



For further information

For more information about the Be Free Campaign, search Be Free Campaign in this directory.


Visit the Be Free Campaign website


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