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Barnstondale in a Box – Barnstondale and Family Toolbox

Barnstondale in a Box - Barnstondale and Family Toolbox

Barnstondale Centre is an inclusive outdoor activity and residential centre based on the Wirral Peninsula. We are a charity, and we aim to ensure all children can access and benefit from outdoor education, as we believe it is the most valuable experience a child or young person can have in their early year development years. Our centre provides a natural setting for personal development through sport and adventure, study, and reflection. We have been accommodating visitors for more than 70 years and became a registered charity in 2001. The Centre offers accessible facilities and accommodation for up to 150 people.


Barnstondale in a Box

The Barnstondale Centre has successfully received funding, through the Family Toolbox, to deliver a project for children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) in their early development years.

Our Barnstondale in a Box (BiaB) programme will be delivered over a 6 week period (one session a week) to schools across the Wirral at their location. The project will focus on Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 children with SEND, who attend both mainstream and SEND schools on the Wirral.

Our main objective is to deliver outdoor learning experiences to children of all abilities, including children with SEND, to positively influence classroom learning and improve attendance. 
Using our outdoor learning approach, we will engage children through our curriculum focused set of challenges to stimulate engagement in their learning environment, build new relationships, take strides in resilience and confidence, and engage more positively in their learning journey. It’s an adventure that sparks something more.


Who is this aimed at?

Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 Children with SEND - if you think this will be beneficial to your child, please ask your school to express their interest in the programme



Expressions of interest need to be in by Friday 28th June 2024

The programme will take place in September over a 6-week period



This programme will be delivered externally by our staff on school premises using our equipment and your outdoor space



This programme is fully funded through Family Toolbox


How to get involved

Schools will need to complete an Expression of Interest form.

If you are a parent who thinks your child will benefit from this programme, please notify your child's school to complete the form.

If you would like to be part of this project, then please get in touch ASAP as we will need all school interest to be signed up by Friday 28th June 2024.


Contact details

For Banstondale in a Box enquiries, please contact Siobhan Waters, Fundraising and Communications Manager

Phone: 0151 648 1412



For further information

For more information about Barnstondale search Barnstondale in this directory.


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