The Right Side of Care is a council website for children looked after and care leavers. It is for people living in Wirral and further afield. It provides information for young people and tells them about their rights.
Our Space is a safe space for care leavers to call their own. It's a place where young people can relax, learn to cook, design and make their own clothes, and develop skills for living independently.
An Advocate can support you if you are a child looked after or care leaver.
An Advocate is an independent person. This means they work separately from other adults who may be supporting you, such as your social worker, carer or Independent Reviewing Officer. (the person who chairs your Review Meetings).
An Advocate can help you to:
- Feel that you are listened to by your social worker and that your voice is heard
- Express your views, wishes and feelings
- Understand your rights
- Explore your choices and options to help you make informed decisions
- Take part when decisions are being made that involve you.
What kind of things can an Advocate help me with?
- Having your voice heard in your meetings and meetings about you
- Problems with where you live
- Problems with your family time/contact arrangements
- Changes when you leave care
- Changes when you move from children’s services to adulthood
- Making a complaint when you’re unhappy with the support you have received from Social Care.
Who is this aimed at?
If you are a child looked after or a care leaver from Wirral, you can request an Advocate up to the age of 24.
You can have an Advocate if you move away from Wirral or are living in secure accommodation.
Children and young people who have a Child Protection Plan in place to support their family can also request an Advocate.
Please see the Barnardo's website for more details and how to make a referral.
Our Space, 19 Argyle Street, Birkenhead, Wirral, CH41 1AD.
This support is free, there is no cost.
How to get involved
Contact the Barnardo's WAIV service by phone or email.
Contact details
Barnardo's WAIV service
Phone: 0151 228 4455
Our Space
Phone: 0151 666 3777
For further information
For more information about Right Side of Care search Right Side of Care in this directory.
Visit the Right Side of Care website
Visit the Right Side of Care - Participation and Engagement Team Instagram page
For more information about Barnardos search Barnardos in this directory.
Visit the Barnardos website