Children learn skills as they grow up. Each child learns at their own pace. Sometimes, your child may need extra help from you to learn some skills they will need in their lives. For example, learning how to wash and dress themselves, what to touch and what not to touch and learning to use the potty.
Ideas for teaching kids new skills:
Wait until you think your child’s ready. If you try to teach them something too soon, you can both end up frustrated. If you try teaching something and it doesn’t work out, leave it for a couple of weeks and try again!
Try not to make it a big deal. You may feel excited when your child uses the potty a few times but then they want to go back to nappies. This doesn’t mean you’ve failed! They might just want nappies that day – it is not a huge step back, just a break in the road.
Be encouraging. Your child wants to please you. Give them a big smile, cuddle and praise when they do something right as they are much more likely to do it again.
Be realistic. Try not to expect perfect results first time, you are both learning how to manage a new skill so it will take time.
Set an example. Your child wants to be like you, they can be a copycat. Let them see you washing, brushing your teeth and going to the bathroom. They will learn from watching you complete the tasks.
Be consistent. It is important that everyone who looks after your child has a similar approach to their upbringing, for example, bedtime routine and mealtime routine. This should make it easier for them to learn their new skills.
Do what is right for YOUR child. Don’t worry about what the child next door can or can’t do. It is not a competition.
Take the pressure off. Your child will learn and grow as you learn and grow as a parent. Enjoy the process of their learning and make it fun!
This article is adapted from