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Road Safety

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Road Safety


The importance of road safety begins with new-borns and continues on into young adulthood and beyond. There are a number of things to think about when keeping our children safe on the roads:

Child car seats – these are divided into 3 groups, 0+, 1, 2/3.  What group car seat you need is dependent on your child’s weight. The NHS have a guide to help you Choose a baby car seat

Keeping safe as a pedestrian – crossing safely and being visible to drivers.  THINK!  is a great website with road safety information and clips to watch with your child

Cycling – British Cycling have some useful Tips for cycling with kids

Learning to drive – with this comes accomplishment, independence, and new experiences. It also comes with increased risk of accidents due to immaturity and distraction. Young people are more likely to text or talk on the phone, or to eat or drink while driving and may make impulsive decisions or take risks that they would not take if they were older. Brake have some useful information for Young Drivers

For more information and advice on any of the above points please take a look at the helpful links below…

Useful Links

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