YoungSibs is a website and online support service for children and young people who have a brother or sister who is disabled and has special educational needs or a serious long-term condition. It is for siblings in the UK aged 6 to 17. Our YoungSibs service is run by Sibs the UK charity for siblings of disabled children and adults.
Siblings can access information about family life, different conditions, feelings and difficult situations on the information pages. The pages are written in a way which helps children understand complex information more easily.
Who is this aimed at?
Children aged 6 to 7 years with disabled siblings.
How to get involved
Siblings can contact our YoungSibs team via the sibling letters page and receive an email reply with an acknowledgement of their situation and tips for dealing with it Visit the YoungSibs Contact Us page.
The team can also help siblings get support from their school or appropriate professionals. Messages and replies are private unless siblings want to have them published for others to read on the website.
Need some information or advice? You can ask our sibling advisor any question about sibling issues Visit the YoungSibs Ask a Sibling Advisor page.
Contact details
Phone: 01535 645453
For further information
Visit the YoungSibs website
Visit the YoungSibs Contact Us page
Visit the YoungSibs Ask a Sibling Advisor page
Visit the YoungSibs Facebook page
Visit the YoungSibs Twitter