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Woodchurch Swimming Club

Calday Grange Swimming Pool, 1 Gourleys Lane, Birkenhead, CH48 8AS

Woodchurch Swimming Club

Woodchurch Swimming Club are currently holding training sessions at the Oval Leisure Centre, Leasowe Leisure Centre & Calday Swimming Pool.

Entirely run by volunteers, we are a friendly and inclusive Club, taking part in a number of local competition leagues and providing a gateway to higher levels of competition.

Our aim is to provide an enjoyable training environment for children of all abilities in which our swimmers will progress in both stroke technique and speed.


Who is this aimed at?

For children of all abilities



Please visit the Woodchurch Swimming Club website for session timetable information



Woodchurch Leisure Centre, Birkenhead, Wirral CH49 8EU

Leasowe Leisure Centre, 88 Twickenham Drive, Wirral CH46 1PF

Calday Grange Swimming Pool, 1 Gourleys Lane, Birkenhead, Wirral CH48 8AS



For prices please visit the Woodchurch Swimming Club website


How to get involved

If you are interested in joining our Club please visit the Information page on the website and see "New Admissions". We expect our new members to commit to training at least twice weekly.


Contact details

Phone: 0151 606 2010



For further information

For more information about Woodchurch Swimming Club search Woodchurch Swimming Club in this directory.

Visit the Woodchurch Swimming Club website

Visit the Woodchurch Swimming Club Facebook page



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