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Wirral Youth for Christ

Hope Church Wirral, Station Road, Hoylake, CH47 4AA

Wirral Youth for Christ

Wirral Youth for Christ exists to share good news with the young people of the Wirral and to have a positive influence on young people’s lives.


We work together with people from all walks of life, the young and the elderly, the rich and the poor and people of all faiths or none... and together we make a difference. What is our ethos? We believe that people are special and significant - you mean something. We believe that God loves people and is concerned about us and our lives. We believe that God wants to build people up and see them reach their potential.


Wirral Youth for Christ are a small but vibrant youth and schools work charity who are committed to taking good news relevantly to every young person in Wirral.


We want to work with others in our community to combat things that destroy potential, such as poor self-esteem, drug and alcohol abuse and unhealthy relationships. We believe that God loves people and so we want to love young people. We’re not talking about feelings here but about choosing to really love and value young people.


Working with schools

We work in Wirral secondary schools aiming to encourage young people to develop a fresh understanding of Christianity and provide opportunities to explore faith in relevant ways. We do this through assemblies, RE & PSHE lessons, Mentoring, and PULSE, our network of youth workers delivering lunchtime provision. 

We believe that God wants to build people up and have a relationship with them, and so this is what we say. We are not confrontational in this and we never force these beliefs, but neither do we shy away from them. What do we do? We’re involved in lots of different things which all dovetail under a clear vision and distinct strategic aims; everything we do fits together. A look around our site will give a flavour of what we do but we value the importance of personal contact.


Who is this aimed at?

Everyone is welcome



Hope Church Wirral, Station Road, Hoylake, Wirral CH47 4AA



Low community cost


How to get involved

Please call or email for more details


Contact details

Phone: 0151 637 3308



For further information

For more information about Wirral Youth for Christ search Wirral Youth for Christ in this directory.


Visit the Wirral Youth for Christ website

Visit the Wirral Youth for Christ Facebook page

Visit the Wirral Youth for Christ Instagram page






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