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Wirral Joint Service Club

Wirral Joint Service Club, CH45 3NF

Wirral Joint Service Club

The Wirral Joint Services Club was created by The Committee members of The Veterans Mess Wirral at the end of March 2022, in association with The Royal Air Forces Association in Wallasey Village.


The Club brings together all branches of the Armed Forces, RFA, Merchant Navy and members of all the branches of the Emergency Services, Police, Fire & Rescue, Ambulance and Coastguard Rescue, both serving and Veterans. We also welcome anyone in the Government service sector such as NHS, Prison Service and the local community.


The Club will be used as both a Social facility and a central support hub for Wirral Veterans.


The club, which started in March 2022, is run by a group of eight committee members from The Veterans Mess Wirral who say they want the club to be a “social hub” for all those local to the area. We want the club to be utilised by all ages and be a hub for the veterans.


This is a place you can sit and talk with like-minded people in a safe environment.


We are not just here to support the army and so on; we are here for the local community as well if they want to utilise the building and come while supporting the local armed forces.


The club offers those interested the chance to attend Naafi Break on Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 10am to 12 noon where veterans can enjoy tea, coffee, and toast.

As well as mornings the club is also open on evenings where veterans can make use of the bar and socialise.


It is all about bringing people who would not usually come out of their houses and may not have a social circle out into the community.


It is about breaking that social isolation up and giving people an opportunity to relax.


As well as sociable events, members can use the club for their own needs.


Who is this aimed at?

Everyone is welcome



Open every day



Monday - 10am to 12 noon -  Coffee morning

Tuesday - 10am to 12 noon -  Coffee morning

Wednesday - 10am to 12 noon -  Coffee morning

Wednesday - 6pm to 11pm

Thursday - 6pm to 11pm

Friday - 5pm to 11pm

Saturday -  12 noon to 11pm

Sunday - 1pm to 10pm



St Georges Road, Wallasey. Wirral CH45 3NF



Please enquire about the cost


How to get involved

For details please email


Contact details



For further information

For more information about Wirral Joint Service Club search Wirral Joint Service Club in this directory.


Visit the Wirral Joint Services Club Facebook page



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