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Virtual Carers Centre – Dementia Carers Count

Virtual Carers Centre - Dementia Carers Count

We believe that dementia carers count. We’re working for a world where all family and friends taking care of someone with dementia feel confident, supported and heard. We recognise the important challenge that you face – as a wife, a son, a daughter-in-law, a close friend – when you’re responsible for that person who really needs you.


Virtual Carers Centre

The Virtual Carers Centre is for you if you support or care for someone with dementia. The Virtual Carers Centre is a resource for you, the carer, complete with articles, videos, presentations and more.


Who is this aimed at?









How to get involved

Visit the Virtual Carers Centre webpage on the Dementia Carers Count website


Contact details

Phone: 020 3540 0700



For further information

For more information on Dementia Carers Count search Dementia Carers Count in this directory.


Visit the Dementia Carers Count website

Visit the Dementia Carers Count Facebook page



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