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The Twins Trust Bereavement Support Group (BSG)

The Twins Trust Bereavement Support Group (BSG)

The Twins Trust Bereavement Support Group (BSG) exists to support all parents and carers of multiples who have experienced loss whether it was during pregnancy, at birth or at any point afterwards. We are so sorry for your loss and hope that by making contact with the BSG you will find some comfort.


Please contact the team you would like to speak to using this email - and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Click on the links below to see the support we offer:


  • Bereavement Support: If one or more of your multiples has died we have support available for you and your family, including our befriending service, newsletter and support resources.

  • Befriending: Our befriending service offers peer-to-peer support for those who have experienced a loss. Our befrienders are all mums, dads or grandparents who have lost babies or children that are multiples.

  • Facebook Bereavement Support Group: Twins Trust’s Bereavement Support Group offers a safe space for parents to talk to someone that has sadly been through a similar experience.

  • Remember: The remembrance wall is a place for those who have lost one or more of their multiples babies/children to share their memorial.

  • Get Involved: Find out how you can get more involved in support by becoming a befriender, sharing your story, raising awareness or fundraising...

  • Bereavement Support Booklet: Our bereavement booklet contains information on coping with loss, supporting a bereaved parent, caring for a surviving baby and personal stories.



Wherever you are on your twins, triplets or more journey, we are here for you.

Register with Twins Trust today.


For further information please see our

Facebook page.



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