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The Reader

The Mansion House, L18 3JB

The Reader

We are a national charity that wants to bring about a Reading Revolution so that everyone can experience and enjoy great literature, which we believe is a tool for helping humans survive and live well. 


We read with schools, families and looked-after-children, adults in community spaces, people in care homes, people with physical and mental health conditions, those coping with or recovering from addiction, and people in the criminal justice system.


Everything we do – from our global Shared Reading movement to the events, activities and social businesses on offer at Calderstones Park – builds warm and lively communities by bringing people together and books to life.


Who is this aimed at?

Everyone is welcome



Monday to Sunday



Between 8:30am and 5pm



The Mansion House, Calderstones Park, Liverpool, L18 3JB





How to get involved

Visit the Find a Group page on the Reader website


Contact details

Phone: 0151 729 2200 



For further information

For more information on The Reader please search The Reader in this directory.


Visit The Reader website

Visit The Reader Facebook page



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