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The Money Charity

For over 25 years, The Money Charity has been the UK’s Financial Capability charity and our vision is that everyone achieves Financial Wellbeing by managing their money well.


We empower people across the UK to develop the skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviours to make the most of their money throughout their lives. By proactively providing education, information, advice and guidance to people of all ages and at all stages of life, we help them get to grips with their money and increase their Financial Wellbeing.


Our current three-year strategy covers the period of 2022 to 2024 and includes 5 key areas of focus:

  • We will expand our Financial Education Workshop delivery to Young People in schools, colleges, universities & communities


  • We will expand our Workplace offering and increase Financial Wellbeing delivery for Adults through their employers


  • We will maintain our current levels of Financial Wellbeing delivery to Adults in Community groups


  • We will increase the income generated through our Financial Capability, Financial Wellbeing and Financial Education Consultancy work


  • We will continue to raise our Profile and Credibility to support and reinforce the above areas


We have resource pages on Everyday Money, Financial Products, Saving, Planning, Debt, Students, Resources, Signposting and The Budget Builder Visit the Resources and Information page on The Money Charity website.


Workshops and Webinars for Young People, Adults and University Students Visit the Workshops and Training page on The Money Charity website.


Who is this aimed at?

Open to all



Online and face to face



This support is free


How to get involved

For information or support, please phone 0207 062 8933 or email


Contact details

Phone: 0207 062 8933



For further information

For more information about The Money Charity search The Money Charity in this directory.


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