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The Martin Gallier Project

57 New Chester Road, CH62 1AB

The Martin Gallier Project

The Martin Gallier Project is fiercely dedicated to preventing suicides, breaking down stigmas & supporting families in the North West.

The project was set up by Jess Gallier in memory of her father who took his own life in 2017 aged 55. The project was put together to tackle the areas Jess found to be lacking during her Dad’s journey with mental illness, the missed opportunities to save his life, and the situations that she believed to be damaging to the family following his suicide.

Once an individual is no longer in crisis, our organisation focuses on prevention by supporting them to resolve the issues which have brought them to a crisis point in the first place. We aim to improve wellbeing and mental health by building an individual’s confidence.

The Martin Gallier Project is a suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention service. We offer support to those affected by suicide in various different ways. Our mission is to prevent suicides, break down stigmas and support families across the North West.


Support for families

The Martin Gallier Project supports family members bereaved by suicide, who are then at higher risk of suicide themselves.

We provide an initial assessment to ensure the beneficiary is not in a suicidal crisis, if the beneficiary is in a suicidal crisis we provide the support required.

If the individual is not in a suicidal crisis, we refer them to the appropriate service for further support and work with the individual/client to establish what their needs are to find them the most appropriate long-term support.


Who is this aimed at?

The Martin Gallier Project is the only suicide intervention, prevention, and postvention service in the North West of England. Our Suicide Intervention Workers provide crisis support through immediate suicide interventions on the high street at Gallier House. There are no barriers to access or waiting lists.



We are open every day



We are open 9:30am to 4:30pm, 7 days a week

Our telephone lines and emails are only monitored during these hours.



57 New Chester Road, New Ferry, Birkenhead, Wirral CH62 1AB



There is no charge for our services


How to get involved

If you require support please email us or phone


Contact details

Phone: 0151 644 0294


If you or someone you know is in immediate danger please contact the emergency services on 999 


For further information

For more information about The Martin Gallier Project search The Martin Gallier Project in this directory.


Visit The Martin Gallier Project website

Visit The Martin Gallier project Facebook page



57 New Chester Road, CH62 1AB
0151 644 0294


Quick contact

57 New Chester Road, CH62 1AB
0151 644 0294

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