Today over 100,000 children and adults use Makaton symbols and signs, either as their main method of communication or as a way to support speech.
In addition to children and adults with communication and learning difficulties and the community around them – for example, teachers, health professionals, friends, public service bodies etc. Makaton is increasingly used by the general public to aid communication.
Makaton has been shown to be useful for all sorts of people including those who struggle with understanding concepts, those who have poor literacy skills, including grammatical knowledge, and those with English as an Additional Language. By using Makaton, children and adults can take a more active part in life, because communication and language are the key to everything we do and learn.
There is a special Makaton Signing for Babies training, available to parents, family members and professionals who wish to sign with the babies and children in their care. Signing while speaking, has been show to encourage the development of communication and language skills. It can also give carers a greater understanding of a baby's wants and needs, which can help reduce frustration.
Makaton symbols are widely used in public buildings such as schools, hospitals, courts and libraries, to help people find their way around. So, you may be using Makaton in daily life without even knowing it.
Who is this aimed at?
People with learning or communication difficulties
Monday to Friday
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday - 9am to 3pm
Wednesday and Friday - 9am to 5pm
The Makaton Charity, Suite 3, Unit 4.3, Frimley 4 Business Park, Frimley, Surrey GU16 7SG
Please contact the service for details
How to get involved
Please call us for more information
Contact details
Phone: 01276 606760
For further information
For more information about The Makaton Charity search The Makaton Charity in this directory.
Visit The Makaton Charity website