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The Lullaby Trust

The Lullaby Trust raises awareness of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) provides expert advice on safer sleep for babies and offers emotional support for bereaved families. We offer safer sleep for babies, and support for families.


Safer Sleep Advice

Our safer sleep advice gives simple steps for how you can sleep your baby to reduce the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) which is commonly known as cot death. It can give you the peace of mind to enjoy this special time.

Our advice is based on strong scientific evidence and should be followed for all sleep periods, not just at night.


Support for Bereaved Families

Our support service for families who experience the sudden loss of a baby or young child.

When a baby dies suddenly and unexpectedly, the death is a terrible shock and one of the most devastating things that can happen to a family. If you are reading this because your child has died, we are so sorry for your loss and are here to offer our support.

We offer confidential support to anyone affected by the sudden and unexpected death of a baby or young child. This support is here whenever you need it, whether the death was recent or many years ago. It is available for families, friends, carers and professionals. There are different ways we can support you and you can choose from our range of services.


Who is this aimed at?

Safer Sleep Advice – Anyone who is caring for an infant.

Bereavement Support  – Anyone in need of support – Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and adult siblings of any baby/young child (3-4 yrs.) who has died suddenly and unexpectedly. Support is not time-limited.



Monday to Friday



10am to 2pm



The Lullaby Trust, 10-18 Union Street, London SE1 1SZ





How to get involved

If you have any questions about SIDS or safer sleep, please call our information line


Contact details

Phone: 0808 802 6869



For further information

For more information about The Lullaby Trust search The Lullaby Trust in this directory.


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0808 802 6869


Quick contact

0808 802 6869

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