LHH helps those who are living on a very low income, receiving the appropriate welfare benefits and who have exhausted all other funding sources including statutory funding, occupational, local and specialist charities. We help those with physical and diagnosed mental health conditions, learning disabilities, and people caring for an adult or child with a disability.
Financial assistance for people who are in hardship due to illness or disability.
This includes physical and mental health problems, learning disabilities and people caring for an adult or child with a disability.
Only those who are living on a very low income, receiving the appropriate welfare benefits and have exhausted all other funding sources including statutory funding, local and occupational charities, will be considered for a grant.
The help we offer
One-off grants
The League issues grants of up to £250. These are generally awarded for or towards essential household items and specialist equipment not available from statutory agencies.
We recognise that white goods (cooker, washing machine, fridge), household furniture, flooring and other items can be very hard to purchase or replace when you live on or below the poverty line.
Regular beneficiaries
We also provide regular quarterly financial assistance. LHH currently supports around 70 ill and less able people with ongoing financial help. Regular beneficiaries will also receive quarterly newsletters, birthday and Christmas cards as well as a personal visit from the Secretary once a year when possible. We may (at our discretion depending on funding availability) contribute towards special events such as birthdays or seasonal events and breaks away from home. We believe this personal touch is important and integral to our charity.
Carers’ breaks
Depending on available funds, one-off payments are made for carer’s breaks. We understand the role of a carer is both onerous and tiring. Carers contribute hugely to the general well-being of the people for whom they are caring but rarely practice self-care, often due to lack of funds. We would like to rectify this and allow the carer an opportunity to take a break.
None of the above can be achieved without funds being generously donated by personal donors, third sector organisations and grant funding charities.
Who is this aimed at?
This is aimed at people who are in hardship due to illness or disability.
This is free to access.
How to get involved
You can access this provision through the League of the Helping Hand website.
Visit the League of the Helping Hand website
Contact details
Email: secretary@lhh.org.uk
Phone: 01444 236099
For further information
Visit the League of the Helping Hand website
Visit the League of the Helping Hand How We Help webpage