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The Compassionate Friends (TCF)

The Compassionate Friends (TCF) is a charitable organisation of bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents dedicated to the support and care of other similarly bereaved family members who have suffered the death of a child or children from a month old and and from any cause.

Many people who have suffered the loss of a child feel a bond with others in the same situation and wish to extend the hand of friendship. 


Who is this aimed at?

Anyone who has suffered the death of a child or children from a month old and and from any cause.



The bereavement support Helpline is available 10am to 4pm and 7pm to 10pm every day of the year

Office and admin is available 9:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday



Support is available online and by phone.



This support is free


How to get involved

Please visit The Compassionate Friends website for details of the support we offer or email or phone our helpline. 


Contact details

Helpline: 0345 123 2304




Phone: 0345 120 3785



For further information

For more information about The Compassionate Friends UK (TCF) search The Compassionate Friends UK (TCF) in this directory.


Visit The Compassionate Friends website

Visit The Compassionate Friends Facebook page





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