Our vision is for all people with severe learning disabilities, whose behaviour challenges, to have the right support and opportunities to live full and active lives.
The Challenging Behaviour Foundation (CBF) is a registered charity that was founded in 1997 by Vivien Cooper OBE, the parent of a child with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges.
We are the only charity focussed specifically on children, young people and adults with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges.
How do we make a difference?
We are making a difference to the lives of children, young people and adults with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges, by:
Providing information - We provide practical information for families and professionals about understanding and supporting children, young people and adults whose behaviour challenges.
Providing support - Our Family Support Workers can offer individual support and information over the phone and by email. We also offer peer-to-peer support through our Carers’ Catch-Ups, and email networks for family carers and for professionals.
Running workshops - We offer a range of workshops to families and professionals, co-delivered by a professional trainer and a family carer trainer. Our workshops have been found to reduce challenging behaviour and have positive outcomes for families and professionals who attend.
Speaking up for families on a national level - We listen to the experiences of families and use these to highlight the needs of individuals whose behaviour challenges and their families. We set up and chair the Challenging Behaviour – National Strategy Group working to promote high quality support for people whose behaviour challenges.
Who is this aimed at?
Children, young people and adults with severe learning disabilities whose behaviour challenges and their families.
Support is provided through information and resources on our website, by phone and email, as well as via online workshops and carer's catch ups.
All of our resources are available free of charge to family/unpaid carers within the UK.
How to get involved
Information and Resources
You can download some of our resources on line, or contact us to receive a hardcopy of our information sheet, pack or DVD.
Family Support Service
You can call the Family Support Service or email us.
Phone: 0300 666 0126
Email: support@thecbf.org.uk
Our phonelines are open at the following times:
Monday to Thursday: 9am to 5pm
Friday: 9am to 3pm
For further details about our workshops please fill in our form on the What We Do page, alternatively you can email or call us.
Phone: 01634 838739
Email: workshops@thecbf.org.uk
To find the relevant link to help you access support, please Visit the What We Do page on the Challenging Behaviour website
Don’t speak English?
Speak to the CBF in your language.
The CBF receives calls from families from diverse backgrounds. We have an interpreting service available to families whose first language is not English. The CBF will arrange for an interpreter to join the call to translate the conversation. This is a free and confidential service. If you or someone you know would like to use the interpreting service, please let us know so we can arrange this for you.
For further information
For more information about The Challenging Behaviour Foundation search The Challenging Behaviour Foundation in this directory.
Visit The Challenging Behaviour Foundation website
Visit The Challenging Behaviour Foundation Facebook page