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The Centre for Emotional Health – Family Links

The Centre for Emotional Health - Family Links

The Centre for Emotional Health is a national charity whose vision is for everyone to live an emotionally healthy life. Our mission is to promote an approach to life and relationships that equips and supports families* and communities to be emotionally healthy.

*Family for us is an inclusive word and means not only those connected biologically, it can include anyone who is special in our life.


We provide high-quality training courses and resources for professionals working with families, parents and carers including foster carers and adoptive parents in a variety of settings.


Our approach is relational and empowering and highlights the link between behaviour and feelings in the context of relationships. Our programmes develop self-awareness, empathy and self-regulation, supporting people to build and maintain positive relationships.


Who is this aimed at?

Professionals working with families, parents and carers including foster carers and adoptive parents



Monday to Friday



9am to 5pm



Via an online resource



Please enquire with the service provider


How to get involved

Visit The Centre for Emotional Health website to access support and training courses


Contact details

Phone: 0186 540 1800



For further information

For more information on Family Links search Family Links in this directory.


Visit The Centre for Emotional Health website

Visit The Centre for Emotional Health Facebook page





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