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The Abilities In Me Foundation

The Abilities In Me Foundation

Picture books to help children understand their diagnosis and those around them.


We are a registered charity, who writes stories based on real families and the child’s condition.

All our profits get put back into the production of making more books, donating books to hospital settings, giving supporting charities recognition, providing equipment to families and schools.


Our goal is to eventually set up ‘The Abilities project’, in the hope we can help to create safe and inclusive spaces in mainstream environments and provide them with sensory room equipment to help support all children’s needs. 

Our books are voluntarily written by Gemma Keir and are now being illustrated by Yevheniia Lisovaya.


Who is this aimed at?

Anyone who is interested in learning more about children and their disabilities



Please enquire with the Abilities in Me Foudation for details


How to get involved

Visit The Abilities In Me website


Contact details



For further information

For more information about The Abilities In Me search The Abilities In Me in this directory.


Visit the Abilities in Me Foundation website





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