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The A World UK

The A World UK CIC is a non-profit organisation based in the North of England. We aim to help and support the Autistic Community and their families/carers. We aim to be an advocate for Autism and raise awareness within the community, by promoting acceptance and inclusion.



We are excited to offer families and individuals with an Autism diagnosis, a fully funded caravan holiday (terms and conditions apply).

We believe that taking the time to step away from everyday life, should be and will be an option as holidays can have a positive effect on the entire family.  

Research has proven that holidays are beneficial to humans for both physical and mental health purposes. Unfortunately, for some families whose child/young person is autistic holidays are not always feasible for many reasons.


Who is this aimed at?

Individuals must have a formal autism spectrum diagnosis



Throughout the year



Individuals must live in the Wirral council borough



This support is free, subject to terms and conditions


How to get involved

To request an application form Visit The A World UK website.


If you have any queries, please email


Contact details



For further information

Visit The A World UK website

Visit The A World UK CIC Facebook page

Visit The A World UK CIC Twitter feed





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