The Support After Suicide Partnership brings together suicide bereavement organisations and people with lived experience, to achieve a vision that everyone bereaved or affected by suicide is offered timely and appropriate support.
This website has been developed with the help of both individuals with experience of suicide and professional bereavement organisations so you can explore practical information and find emotional support if you have been impacted by suicide.
Their work includes:
● Ensuring every area of the country has proactive suicide bereavement support services
● Increasing the capacity of existing local suicide bereavement support
● Leading the field of work for suicide bereavement in the UK
● Connecting organisations and stakeholders
● Ensuring service provision is sustainable
Public Support
SASP’s public website offers practical and emotional information and resources for those affected by suicide. We also signpost to local support through our partnership with the At a Loss bereavement support service.
Many of SASP’s networks have been bereaved or affected by suicide. You are not alone. If and when you can, please accept the help and support that is available.
Our website provides links to many resources including:
- Help is at Hand Guide - written by people bereaved by suicide - supports people from the first 72 hours through what might be happening, emotional support, practical support and suggestions for further help and support in the weeks and months ahead.
- The Finding The Words guide shares information for those supporting someone who has been bereaved and affected by suicide.
- First Hand helps people make sense of the lasting memories and feelings after the suicide of someone they didn’t know. Written for members of the public and those working in frontline services, it provides emotional and practical support about coping.
Who is this aimed at?
The Support after Suicide Partnership works with organisations to the vision ‘Everyone bereaved or affected by suicide is offered timely and appropriate support’. This support is open to all.
This support is free, there is no cost.
How to get involved
Please note, that The Support After Suicide Partnership does not offer support or advice on individual cases but if you have any queries, please email us.
Contact details
For further information
For more information about Support After Suicide Partnership (SASP) search Support After Suicide Partnership (SASP) in this directory.
Visit the Support After Suicide Partnership website