Student Minds is the UK’s student mental health charity.
At Student Minds, we’re a charity improving university communities. Around one in four students report having a diagnosed mental health issue while at university, and world events, navigating identity and discrimination can make student life even tougher.
We empower students to build their own mental health toolkit to support themselves and their peers through university life and beyond. We challenge the higher education sector, health sector, and government to make student mental health a priority.
Who is this aimed at?
For all UK students
Support and advice is available on the Student Minds website
How to get involved
Please visit the Student Minds website and Facebook page for more information or phone or email.
Contact details
Phone: 0113 343 8440 - please leave a voicemail with your name and contact number
Post: 17 Springfield Mount, Leeds LS2 9NG
Please note, we are not a support helpline. If you or someone you know is in need of support, Student Space is here for students 24/7, to access this please visit the Student Space website
For further information
For more information about Student Minds search Student Minds in this directory.
Visit the Student Minds website
Visit the Student Minds Facebook page