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Snow Camp

Since 2003, Snow Camp has been harnessing the power of skiing and snowboarding to break down barriers, broaden horizons and address the biggest social issues facing underserved young people today.

Our mission is to turn young lives around through the power of snow sports combined with engaging opportunities, positive relationships and life-changing progression.


We aim to engage young people effectively and maintain a positive involvement with them through our youth-led journey of accredited programmes, delivered in new environments where they can thrive.

To connect young people from a diverse range of backgrounds and communities, enabling them to build friendships and experience inclusivity.

To teach young people the skills they need and raise their aspirations through new qualifications, vocational training, employment opportunities and apprenticeships in our programmes.

To develop life skills through learning to ski or snowboard, building resilience, perseverance and determination whilst overcoming fear and instantaneously gaining a sense of achievement.

To support positive mental health and wellbeing by providing advice and support, workshops and 1 to 1 counselling sessions on all our programmes.

To inspire young people through opportunities to experience new mountain environments to widen their horizons and achieve long-lasting inspirational impact.

To improve accessibility and participation in snowsports to promote equality and inclusivity.


Who is this aimed at?

Young people under the age of 21 years of age



Monday to Friday



9am to 5pm



Chill Factore, 7 Trafford Way, Manchester M41 7JA


How to get involved

Please email or phone Morv to get involved and find out further details


Contact details

Phone: 07857 694953



For further information

For more information about Snow Camp search Snow Camp in this directory.


Visit the Snow Camp website

Visit the Snow Camp Facebook page




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