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Shiny Stone

Shiny Stone North West is a Community Interest Company that is dedicating itself to improving the lives of children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) or disabilities with a focus in the areas around children's mental health, relational and developmental trauma, Autism and Selective Mutism.


Born from a need to find appropriate resources and education to help their own children, the founders of Shiny Stone who are based on the Wirral have become educated themselves in various childhood developmental and mental health conditions. In their struggles, they have found a lack of available knowledge and training available in the North West of England regarding various childhood conditions.


Shiny Stone's aim is to provide training events in the North West of England making them available at an affordable cost to increase awareness and interventions for children with disabilities. Shiny Stone also provides support in group settings or a one to one basis for parents of children with Selective Mutism and other disabilities, this includes SEN law advice.


Who is this aimed at?

Parents and professionals working with children with Special Educational Needs



Please see our website or Facebook for details on courses



Please see our website or Facebook for details on courses



Please enquire with the service for details


How to get involved

Please email or message on Facebook


Contact details



For further information

For more information about Shiny Stone search Shiny Stone in this directory.


Visit the Shiny Stone website

Visit the Shiny Stone Facebook page





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