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S.E.N.D.Support for Dads

S.E.N.D.Support for Dads is a community of dads, step-dads and grandads supporting each other to raise SEND children with love. A safe place to discuss all aspects of family life.


You may never have considered the world of disability until you were a part of it.

It’s a world full of incredible moments that make your heart burst with love and pride, but which can also be overwhelming, exhausting, and lonely at times.

A place where only those who are living here too, truly understand and appreciate the struggles and the wins.

Support for parents, once their child has received a diagnosis, is often limited, brief and inconsistent. As a result, mental health issues among parents of disabled children are on the rise as are relationship separations and barriers to employment.


Who is this aimed at?

Support for dads, step-dads and grandads who have a child with a disability






Please enquire for details


How to get involved

Please contact us via the Facebook page


For further information

For more information about the S.E.N.D.Support for Dads search S.E.N.D.Support for Dads in this directory.


Visit the SEND Support for Dads Facebook page




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