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Port Sunlight Lawn Tennis Club

Port Sunlight Tennis Club, Warren Lane, Bromborough, CH62 3QQ

Port Sunlight Lawn Tennis Club

Port Sunlight Lawn Tennis Club is open to anyone who has a desire to play league, social tennis or simply improve their own game.

Based by a woodland setting, close to both Bromborough and Bebington on the Wirral, the club has been established for over 125 years and currently has 8 hard courts, a hitting wall and clubhouse facilities with a bar.

A very friendly, family orientated and popular club, we have teams in the Chester and Wirral summer leagues, the West Cheshire winter leagues and host our own floodlit leagues during the winter evenings.

Everyone welcome, come and join us.


Who is this aimed at?

Open to all



Please visit the Port Sunlight LTC page on the Clubspark website for details



Port Sunlight Tennis Club, Warren Lane, Bromborough, Wirral CH62 3QQ



Please visit the Port Sunlight LTC page on the Clubspark website for details


How to get involved

Please visit the Port Sunlight LTC page on the Clubspark website to join


Contact details


For coaching enquiries phone

Bill Connell: 07710103086 or

Norman Nelson: 0151 645 5783


For further information

For more information about Port Sunlight Lawn Tennis Club search Port Sunlight Lawn Tennis Club in this directory.


Visit the Port Sunlight LTC page on the Clubspark website



Quick contact