We are a charity set up in memory of our mate Paul Lavelle who was sadly taken from us in cruel circumstances in May 2017. After Paul’s loss a large group of us (we have a network of 50 mates) decided to honour Paul and set up the charity to raise awareness of domestic abuse involving men.
We offer therapeutic support to males who feel they are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse. 45-minute appointment slots are available with our therapeutic advisors who offer a non-judgemental listening ear, emotional support, advice and guidance as well as signposting to other support agencies if necessary.
We also operate a Drop-In service in our Community Hub each Thursday 4pm to 8pm for males who are experiencing domestic abuse, or who have left an abusive relationship, can meet up and speak with like-minded males for peer support, as well as speak to our therapeutic advisors. No appointment is necessary, just turn up between the hours stated above.
Who is this aimed at?
Males experiencing domestic abuse
Monday to Friday
9:30am to 5pm
Paul Lavell Community Hub, The Community Village, 334 New Chester Road, Rock Ferry, Wirral CH42 1LE
How to get involved
Visit the Paul Lavelle website or contact us on the below details
Contact details
Support Line: 0151 651 3777 - This is a support line - not a crisis line.
Office Enquiries: 0151 294 4176
Email: info@paullavellefoundation.co.uk
For further information
For more information about Paul Lavelle Foundation search Paul Lavelle Foundation in this directory.
Visit the Paul Lavelle Foundation website
Visit the Paul Lavelle Foundation website