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Our Time

​​Our Time supports children who have a parent with a mental illness. For many young people, growing up with a parent struggling with their mental health can be a difficult and overwhelming experience. It is often isolating, confusing, even frightening. It can bring with it immense responsibility, and also stigma. But with the right support and understanding these young people can go on to lead happy and fulfilling lives, just like any other child. This is our ambition.


At the moment, as many as one in three children have a parent with poor mental health. Around one in ten live with an adult with severe mental health difficulties. Given the impact of the pandemic on adult mental health, it’s likely the numbers of children affected are even higher. These are the young people we work to help.


We have established workshops throughout England, Scotland and Wales, which support hundreds of people each year and our evidence-based approach has been evaluated by the Anna Freud Centre as an effective intervention supporting the well-being of children and young people affected by parental mental illness. These workshops give young participants the opportunity to discuss and learn about their parent’s illness in a safe and inclusive space, and provide time for them to enjoy themselves, meet up with friends and share their experiences. We have also trained teams in Germany, Spain, and Austria too.


Who is this aimed at?

For children who have a parent with a mental illness



This support is online



The online resources are free to access. Please contact Our Time for KidsTime Workshop and training costs


How to get involved

Please visit the Our Time website to access information and resources.


Contact details



For further information

For more information about Our Time search Our Time in this directory.


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