Over 60,000 children in the UK have been diagnosed with a critical condition, changing their lives and the lives of their families forever. For them, the joy of childhood is brought to an abrupt end, with treatment plans, hospital visits and sleepless nights taking over.
A wish revives a childhood stolen by critical illness. It brings light and joy to children and their loved ones and leaves a profound and lasting impact on all their lives.
Who is this aimed at?
The wishes are for children with a critical condition
Open Monday to Friday
9am to 5pm
Seventh Floor, Thames Tower, Station Road, Reading, Berkshire RG1 1LX
Accessing the website is free
How to get involved
Please call or email for more details
Contact details
Phone: 01276 405060
Email: info@makeawish.org.uk
For further information
For more information about Make A Wish UK search Make A Wish UK in this directory.
Visit the Make A Wish UK Facebook page
Visit the Make A Wish website