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Kicks Count

Kicks Count are empowering Mums-to-be with knowledge and confidence, we are a leading UK Pregnancy charity raising awareness of baby movements.  


While there isn't one cause of stillbirth, a decrease in baby's movements can be a key warning sign that a baby is in distress and 50% of mothers who had a stillbirth noticed slowing down of baby's movements beforehand. By raising awareness of baby's movements and encouraging mums to report any change in movement immediately it is estimated that a third of stillbirths could be prevented. 


Feeling your baby move is a sign that they are well.  If you have any concerns about your baby's movements, contact your maternity unit immediately.


The aim at Kicks Count is to raise awareness of baby’s movements in pregnancy to reduce the UK’s stillbirth and neonatal death rate. We have a number of ways to achieve this:


  • Midwife Resources - We provide free resources to midwives and health professionals including leaflets, maternity note inserts, stickers, posters and banners.
  • Website - Our website is a valuable resource for up-to-date foetal movement and pregnancy information. All information on the site is intended to complement advice or information from your healthcare professional, not replace it.
  • Social Media - Our popular social media channels allow us to reach 2 million people per week.
  • App - Our free mobile app helps women to keep track of their baby’s movements and identify a change in pattern.
  • Media - Articles in the national press and online allow us to raise more awareness of Kicks Count and our work.
  • Businesses - We work with a number of businesses that help us reach their customers with our message.


Who is this aimed at?

Mums-to-be, Midwives and health professionals, and all affected by baby loss



Online information, blog and resources.



These resources are available for free.


How to get involved

View the website for information, resources and how to access support.


Use the The Kicks Count app - designed to help you get to know your baby’s regular pattern of movement. Vist the Kick Counting App page on the Kicks Count website


Please note: If you have any concerns about your baby's movements, contact your maternity unit immediately.

For more information please Visit the Your Baby's Movements page on the Kicks Count website


Contact details

Phone: 0148 360 0828



For further information

For more information about Kicks Count search Kicks Count in this directory.


Visit the Kicks Count website

Visit the Kicks Count Facebook page



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