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It's OK Charity

Supporting young people with mental illness through campaigning, education and mentorship.


The It’s OK campaign was set up in 2011 by then 16-year-old May Gabriel to tackle the stigma around teenage depression. The campaign was initially set up to “create a place where young people could see that they were not alone – and to emphasise the importance of being open about mental illness”. Nowadays the campaign still seeks to support young people with Mental Illnesses through educational resources, campaigning for change, and through the blog which started this all.


Who is this aimed at?

Young people








How to get involved

Please Visit the It's OK Charity website


For more information or support, please get in touch by email.


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For further information

For more information about It's OK Charity search It's OK Charity in this directory.


Visit the It's OK Charity website

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Visit the It's OK Charity website



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