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Impact Northwest

Northwich and District Youth Centre, Winnington House, Winnington Lane, Northwich, CW8 4DE

Impact Northwest

At Impact North West, we offer a blended curriculum for key stage 3 and 4 to ensure that all learners have the opportunity to make good progress in the core subjects academically but also have the opportunity to participate in our enrichment programme to develop themselves holistically, focusing on building resilience, communication and self awareness.


As part of our alternative provision offer, we understand the importance and need for a blended provision of both academic, vocational and SEMH packages.


Therefore we also offer:

• Enrichment Workshops with external agency support such as Brook, Health Services in School and The Hive
• Therapeutic Art Therapy Workshops
• CIAG Workshops
• Onsite mentoring

All of our programmes of study are bespoke to the needs of the learner and can be confirmed at the point of referral based on the school’s request.

In addition to the curriculum entitlement for the learner, all learners, on completion of their programme of study with Impact North West will have completed a person centred profile outlining key areas of support needed for them, highlighting how they feel they make good progress and what strategies work for them. 

A detailed SEND report will also be sent to the school highlighting potential barriers and successful de-escalation strategies that have worked well during their time at Impact North West. Alongside this will include any additional support needed for further assessments/referrals such as ADHD referrals or EHCP/PFA applications.

In addition to our SEND offer and as part of our outreach offer, we offer a bespoke SEND consultancy and training package, on request, supporting schools with all elements of SEND approaches from EHCP and PFA applications to reviewing and auditing schools’ SEND systems and how to develop and further improve their practice.


Who is this aimed at?

All are welcome



Term time - please see website for dates



1155-1157 New Chester Road, Eastham, Wirral, CH62 0BY

Northwich & District Youth Centre, Winnington Lane, Northwich CW8 4DE

Thelwall Road, Ellesmere Port, CH66 3JU


How to get involved

Please get in touch by phone or email for more details


Contact details

Phone: 0151 328 1561 / 07568 060086



For further information

For more information about Impact Northwest search Impact Northwest in this directory.


Visit the Impact Northwest website



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