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Harmless UK

Our Mission:

Harmless shall provide support, information, training and consultancy about self-harm to individuals who self-harm, their friends, families and professionals with a view to promoting health and recovery, reducing isolation and distress, and increasing awareness and skill in intervention.


Who We Support:

  • People that Self Harm

  • Family & Friends

  • People in Crisis

  • People Bereaved by Suicide  - The Tomorrow Project

Harmless Services:

  • Research 
  • Clinical Support Services: We offer two streams of support for people that do or are at risk of self-harm. These services are equal in terms of quality and skill of the workforce, but differ in terms of approach and the length of time that people can access them.

  • Information services:

    • Understanding Self Harm

    • Information for Friends & Family

    • The Top Ten of Helping

    • Should I go to my GP & other questions


Find out more

  • Resource Hub: We work hard to develop useful resources around the issue of self harm that can either develop awareness and understanding, or act as a source of help and support for people.
  • Professionals: Whether you are a health or social care professional looking to refer someone to our service, or someone in need of some advice in order to improve the care that you offer, we will always do our best to foster a supporting and collaborative relationship.
  • How you can help: There are plenty of ways that you can help us and get involved though – in fact, we really need you and are always looking for people to get involved in supporting our work.

Training & Events

  • Training

  • Let's Talk Training Events

  • What's On


Who is this aimed at?

This is aimed at individuals who self harm, their friends, families and professionals.



This provider has multiple training dates available, visit the Harmless website for full details

Visit the Harmless website



The Harmless website can be accessed at any time.



The Harmless website as well as a number of their training courses are free to access.


How to get involved

Visit the Harmless website to get involved and access their provisions.

Visit the Harmless website


Contact details



For further information 

Visit the Harmless website

Visit the Harmless UK Facebook page

Visit the Harmless UK Twitter page




Quick contact