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Fragile X Society

Information, advice and support for families affected by Fragile X Syndrome.


Fragile X Syndrome is the most common known cause of inherited learning disabilities. It can cause a wide range of difficulties with learning, as well as social, language, attentional, emotional, and behavioural problems.


How We Help

  • Leaflets and Booklets

Our leaflet and booklets give basic and then progressively more detailed information about fragile X. All have been written by or in consultation with the Society's medical, scientific and educational advisers, fragile X researchers and clinicians.


  • Telephone Support

We believe that our publications give a very good introduction to fragile X, however, as it is a complex condition and can be very wide-ranging in its effects, our Family Support Workers will be very pleased to give individual, tailored support, advice, and information that is specific to the particular requirements of both families and professionals. Please contact us either by phone or email.



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