Fearless, part of the independent charity Crimestoppers, provides young people with a safe space to give info about crime, 100% anonymously.
We provide young people with a safe and non-judgmental space to get info about crime, and the opportunity to pass on any info they might have, 100% anonymously.
We want young people to know that their voices are important and encourage them to BeFearless in speaking up about crime, to help keep themselves, their friends and communities safe.
Who is this aimed at?
Anyone can use this service
Online or by phone
How to get involved
Please call if there is a need
Contact details
Phone: 0800 555 111
Email: fearless@crimestoppers-uk.org
For further information
For more information about CrimeStoppers search CrimeStoppers in this directory.
Visit the CrimeStoppers website
Visit the Fearless Against Crime Facebook page