Encephalitis International provides information and support to people worldwide, raises awareness and helps to fund research for inflammation of the brain.
What is Encephalitis?
Encephalitis is an inflammation of the brain. It is caused either by an infection invading the brain (infectious encephalitis) or through the immune system attacking the brain in error (post-infectious or autoimmune encephalitis).
Anyone at any age can get encephalitis. There are up to 6,000 cases in the UK each year and potentially hundreds of thousands worldwide.
Encephalitis International provides support to all people affected by encephalitis, their families, carers and those professionals involved in their care and support worldwide. Whether you need information about encephalitis, advice about recovery or rehabilitation, signposting to appropriate services or if you only want to talk to someone who understands this condition, we are here for you.
We do not provide individual medical advice and counselling and unfortunately, we cannot fund treatments and therapies. If you are looking for a second opinion, we may be able to recommend some specialists, but this depends on health services provided on your location.
Who is this aimed at?
How to get involved
Support Service Enquiries: If you need information about encephalitis, advice about recovery or rehabilitation, or signposting to other services please contact our Support Service via telephone or online form.
You can also make a voice or video call to us on Skype, anywhere in the world - for free - using your laptop, tablet or mobile phone. We do ask that you pre-arrange a skype call with us by contacting the support team (so we can free some time in our diaries for you).
You can also arrange a Zoom call with the team by contacting them direct via email or phone. Alternatively, you can listen to our podcast.
Contact details
Phone: 01653 699599
Email: support@encephalitis.info
For further information
For more information about Encephalitis International search Encephalitis International in this directory.
Visit Encephalitis International website
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