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RADLD - Raising Awareness of Developmental Language Disorder

Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) is the new term to replace Specific Language Impairment (SLI). Developmental Language Disorder is diagnosed when children fail to acquire their own language for no obvious reason.


This results in children who have difficulty understanding what people say to them, and struggle to articulate their ideas and feelings. Recent research has shown that, on average, 2 children in every class of 30 will experience DLD severe enough to hinder academic progress.


In 2017, the first DLD awareness campaign was introduced with the theme DLD 1-2-3 highlighting

(1) DLD is a problem with speaking and/or listening,

(2) it is hidden but common,

(3) support can help to improve the quality of life of affected children and their families.


Developmental Language Disorder is a diagnosis given when a child or adult has difficulties talking and/or understanding language. DLD is hidden and affects approximately 2 children in every classroom impacting literacy, learning, friendships and emotional well-being. Support from professionals, including speech and language therapists and teachers, can make a real difference.


Who is this aimed at?




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How to get involved

RADLD is international and so we have lots of country-specific information on our website, click on the country you want to find out more about.


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